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Sodena has promoted 225 companies in 40 years with an investment of 450 million euros


More than one hundred people closely linked to the public company dependent on the Government of Navarre, which, among other functions, is responsible for attracting foreign investment to the region, attended a commemorative event to mark its fortieth anniversary. During these four decades, the work of this entity has enabled the generation of more than 11,100 jobs “and all of this with a strategic vision whose focus is always the development of the region”, said the President of Navarra, María Chivite.

Within its specific area of attracting new investment, ‘Invest in Navarra’, Sodena has helped more than a hundred companies from outside the region to set up in Navarra in its 40 years of history. Along the same lines, it has also promoted the creation of eight clusters that currently bring together more than 500 companies and 95,000 jobs.

These were some of the data provided by the general director of Sodena, Iñaki Larraya. “We have witnessed a profound transformation in the business and economic fabric of Navarre, and at every step along the road that has brought us this far, Sodena has always been present, providing the support and financing necessary for our companies to grow, prosper and take root”, he added. He also expressed his “gratitude” to all the people who have worked in and for this public company “for their unquestionable work capacity, professionalism, dedication, commitment and talent”.

The event, held in the Refectory of Pamplona Cathedral, brought together more than one hundred people closely linked to the history of the company, including former presidents of Navarre such as Miguel Sanz and Yolanda Barcina, as well as all the former ministers and former ministers of Industry of the Government of Navarre who, as representatives, also held the presidency of Sodena.

In any case, the event was the starting signal for other meetings of a more business-related nature that will be held during 2024 and which will focus on Sodena’s activity in order to “continue to look to the future with optimism and determination, and to continue with the mission of promoting the economic development of Navarre”.
