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Navarra rises 47 places to become one of the 100 most innovative regions in Europe


Navarra, in particular, is in 98th place according to the Regional Innovation Scoreboard (RIS) 2023 commissioned by the Social Reality Observatory of Navarre and presented this week. The analysis also highlights the substantial change experienced by the region (it was ranked 145th in 2019), which exceeds 100% of the European average and its position as a prominent “leader” in R&D&I at national level alongside the Basque Country, Madrid and Catalonia. “We are sure that innovation is the way to guarantee a prosperous future”, highlighted the Minister of University, Innovation and Digital Transformation, Juan Cruz Cigudosa, during the presentation of the aforementioned report.

The study in question covers four key dimensions: framework conditions, R&D&I investment, innovation activities and impacts. With regard to the first of these categories, Navarre stands out for its high rate of adult population with higher education and active participation in lifelong learning. Meanwhile, in digitisation, it shows an outstanding performance in overall digital skills, although a downward trend is observed in this aspect.

The report also highlights the region’s attractive research environment, its ability to attract investors and the growing international recognition of its scientific production. On the other hand, in terms of investment in R&D&I, it is positioned above most of the autonomous communities in Spain, with an outstanding commitment to funding and public support for innovation.

Likewise, when it comes to innovation activities, the region is the leader in Spain in terms of patent, trademark and design applications. However, more work is needed to compete with the leading regions in Europe. And finally, with regard to the impact of innovation, the innovative efforts developed in the territory are effectively used in terms of sales and environmental projection, but there is room for improvement in the generation of employment through innovation.

Source: Diario de Noticias