
Navarra’s 5 plans to position itself as a leading tourist destination in terms of sustainability

La Comunidad foral dispensa un trato impositivo muy beneficioso para sectores tan estratégicos en una economía del siglo XXI como el audiovisual, el desarrollo del hidrógeno verde o las instalaciones de autoconsumo.

También favorece la implantación en su territorio de start ups emprendedoras y, sobre todo, aquellas que aportan un grado de innovación que refuerza el trabajo de especialización sostenible contenido en su Estrategia S4. 

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Navarra’s triple commitment to become a benchmark in Artificial Intelligence (AI)

La Comunidad foral dispensa un trato impositivo muy beneficioso para sectores tan estratégicos en una economía del siglo XXI como el audiovisual, el desarrollo del hidrógeno verde o las instalaciones de autoconsumo.

También favorece la implantación en su territorio de start ups emprendedoras y, sobre todo, aquellas que aportan un grado de innovación que refuerza el trabajo de especialización sostenible contenido en su Estrategia S4. 

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The strategic economic areas with the greatest fiscal tax incentives in Navarra

La Comunidad foral dispensa un trato impositivo muy beneficioso para sectores tan estratégicos en una economía del siglo XXI como el audiovisual, el desarrollo del hidrógeno verde o las instalaciones de autoconsumo.

También favorece la implantación en su territorio de start ups emprendedoras y, sobre todo, aquellas que aportan un grado de innovación que refuerza el trabajo de especialización sostenible contenido en su Estrategia S4. 

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Keys to Navarra’s strategy for achieving a decarbonized economy

Navarra has set itself the goal of becoming a fully decarbonized region by 2050, in line with the strategic framework for Energy and Climate of the Ministry for Energy Transition. The strategy of this autonomous community stands out from others for its strong commitment in the short-medium term, which marks a 45% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. The actions to achieve this are framed in different areas such as the generation of renewable energy, the promotion of electric vehicles, the promotion of self-consumption or the intensification of efforts in functional areas. The energy transition strategy is based on three pillars: energy efficiency, self-consumption and a commitment to renewable energy generation.

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Five reasons why Navarra is a benchmark in circular economy

Fifteen years ago, when the circular economy was still an unpopular concept in the business world, entities and companies in the region of Navarra were already working to make the community a pioneering territory in this field. Thanks to these first efforts, in the last decade, the strategy implemented has resulted in the international positioning of Navarra as a benchmark in circular economy.

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Navarre ICT sector: a young industry that aspires to transform the region’s business fabric

Despite its relative youth, the regional technology industry already employs more than 3,500 people and generates revenues of around 300 million euros. The automation of production processes, cybersecurity and the management of infrastructures and systems stand out.
The ICT industry is called to lead and accompany the strategic sectors of Navarra in its digital transition, which offers great opportunities for the sector’s agents.

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