Labour force and productivity in Navarra

Companies invest and re-invest in Navarra because of its excellent levels of education and the high productivity capacity of its labour force.

Education and training have always been a priority to Navarra with regards to the economic and social development of the region. Alone in the last 9 years, the education budget has increased by 50%.

The population of Navarra is fully prepared for future challenges and technologies due to their excellent schools, vocational training centres and leading universities.

Navarra is one of the Spanish regions with the highest level of education between 25 and 64-year-olds, 49% have a university degree. It is the third region in Spain with the best educational performance (497.5), above the OCDE and Spanish average (489). (Pisa 2018).

Population over 16 with higher education (%) 2019

Excellent educational resources

The Navarrese university system is the leader in the CYD Ranking, which is prepared by the Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo. With 29 of the 37 indicators analyzed in the highest level group. Navarra is in lead, followed by the Basque Country and Catalonia. Navarra is the leader in the teaching and learning dimension, wiht eight of the nine indicators at the top. 

Of the 79 universities analyzed in the ranking, Universidad de Navarra shares leadership with the Autonomous University of Barcelona, both with 28 indicators. La Universidad Pública de Navarra is at number 20, with 14 indicators in the top. 

3 universities

PuUniversidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA)

• 8 schools and faculties, 32 different degrees and 30 master’s degrees with more than 10,000 students, 900 academic staff and more than 35,000 graduates since it was founded.

• Specialised in engineering.

• Number 1 among Spanish universities offering degrees in English.

Universidad de Navarra (UNAV)

• Private university.

• 13 schools and faculties, 55 different degrees, 34 master’s degrees and 21 PhD programmes, with more than 12,700 students and an academic team of 855 staff. 155,000 graduates since it was founded.

• Specialised in science and health.

• It is the third higher education centre in Europe for quality of teaching according to the 2019 Times Higher Education ranking (THE).

National University of Distance Education (UNED)

• 27 different degrees

• 5,000 students

Vocational training

29 vocational training centres focused on regional industry needs and distributed throughout Navarra, allowing growth in vocational training and ongoing training, with the training rate being higher than the average.

Primary and secondary education

57 secondary education centres and 255 primary education centres. Navarra has the best ratio of students to teachers up to high school level.

Competitive and very productive
job market

Navarra has a very qualified and competitive labour force for a wide range of sectors and companies, which favours the productivity of companies based in Navarra and of foreign investments in the future.

Work costs in Navarra are below the European Union average and slightly above the Spanish average, with much higher productivity.

navarra means talent