Navarra is a leader in innovation and technological transfer in Spain

It is the third region with the most investment on R&D on regional GDP, 1.76%.  Very close to the EU-27 European average and above the biggest autonomous communities, such as Catalonia.

An excellent innovation ecosystem that never stops

The culture of innovation is fully integrated in our region. Universities, companies, research centres and clusters work with the Government of Navarra in an innovation ecosystem that never stops, transferring science and technology to industries and society, transforming and forging continuous improvements.

Navarra is one of just two Spanish regions (the other is the Basque Country) to be classified as a “Major Innovator” (the second best classification possible) by the European Union.

Navarra has a powerful innovation system composed of a network of 12 technology centres and universities grouped into four sectors:

6 technology centres

Innovative non-profit institutions focused on technological development for transfer to industry (AIN, Naitec, Lurederra, CNTA, INTIA and IdAB).

3 research centres

Non-profit R&D institutions focused on generating knowledge (CIMA, NavarraBiomed and CENER).

3 universities

High-level academic institutions focused on teaching and also basic science research.

This network is made up of:



72 M

euros of turnover

This ecosystem ensures rapid knowledge transfer and gives employers the opportunity to make research available so that everyone can benefit.

In the 2014-2017 period (latest available), Navarra applied for more than 147 PCT patents via the OEPM, with a notable specialisation in mechanical engineering and chemistry. In terms of its invention activity (number of patent applications per inhabitant), Navarra’s rate is twice the national average, being the first among the autonomous communities.

In the 2015-2018 period (latest available), Navarra published 2,169 scientific papers, with a rate of 3.39 publications per thousand inhabitants, twice the European average. Navarra’s scientific specialisation in the areas of health, preclinical/clinical and life sciences stands out.

Strong public incentives for R&D

The Government of Navarra is committed to developing its local R&D ecosystem, and in 2018, it approved Regional Law 15/2018 on Science and Technology for this purpose, with the aim of promoting its excellence and positioning Navarra as the regional leader in Europe.

Under this umbrella, the R&D Business Units figure has been created, with the aim of further promoting innovation in the private sector and its participation in the R&D&i ecosystem.

The companies that make up this figure will be able to have their own research institute or R&D&i entity, which will give them access to a greater number of funding calls for research projects with higher funding requirements. They will also be able to obtain an additional 10% deduction for the parent company in R&D activities.

The Government of Navarra has developed a wide and powerful programme of grants and funding for R&D, with aid covering of up to 80% of the funding needs.

In turn, Navarra has a tax system with significant deductions for R&D, between 40-50% depending on the activity or dedication to the research project, much higher than in the rest of Spain.

Tax benefits for entrepreneurial entities that carry out innovative activities stand out, such as the monetisation of tax deductions of up to €100,000 or the transfer of tax credit to an R&D funder in exchange for the same funding.

All of this helps to support new ideas and innovation in our region.

navarra means innovation