The Audiovisual Cluster of Navarre and Sodena facilitate the invest of Antaviana Films & VFX in the region


The company, with more than 30 years of experience in the sector, is thus making a ‘strategic move’ for the brand, but also represents ‘a great opportunity for the development of the audiovisual industry in Navarre’, according to the company’s management. The Navarre branch of the company will be headed by Kike Unzu, who has set as his main objectives the training of new talents in the field of post-production as well as the development of highly qualified technical professionals to promote the growth and innovation of the audiovisual industry in Navarre.

‘It is a project that we have been studying for some time and we are very grateful to have the guidance and support of the Navarra Audiovisual Cluster and Sodena / Invest in Navarra to take the step,’ said Rosa Fusté, CEO of Antaviana Films. From there, the new headquarters in Pamplona will begin operations with the post-production of La Huella del Mal, a feature film produced by La Charito Films and starring Blanca Suárez and Daniel Grao.

For his part, the president of the Audiovisual Cluster of Navarra (CLAVNA), Miguel Iturralde, pointed out that the establishment of this company confirms his organisation’s commitment ‘to the consolidation of a powerful audiovisual industry in Navarra thanks to the collaboration of the public-private sector, in such a way that the conditions necessary for the region to become competitive again in this market can be created’.

Antaviana Films & VFX aims to offer post-production services both to local productions and to national and international productions that choose Navarra as the epicentre of their projects. ‘We believe that offering post-production services will consolidate Navarra as a national audiovisual power and will strengthen the industrial fabric of the sector by offering this new line of services,’ said Fusté.

As can be seen in the ‘Strategic Sectors’ section of our Invest in Navarra website, the audiovisual industry in Navarra has experienced significant growth and a notable evolution over the last decade. In this sense, this industry has a series of transversal support in different areas in the region to stimulate investment in infrastructures as well as in the production of audiovisual content. Anyone interested can find out more by clicking on the following link.


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