ROCKWOOL's case study

Rockwool Peninsular is the Spanish subsidiary of Rockwool Group, the world’s leading manufacturer of volcanic rock wool products (thermal, acoustic and fireproof insulation) with 75 years of history and origins in Denmark. Today, the company employs more than 10,000 people in more than 30 countries and owns 25 factories in Europe, America and Asia.

In 1989, the group opened its first sales office in Spain, more specifically in Barcelona, motivated by the growth potential of the Spanish market. The market was indeed growing, and its evolution prompted them to invest in a new production site in our country.

Thus, its twenty-third factory in the world, and the only one in our country, was inaugurated in 2001 in the Navarre town of Caparroso. Two years earlier, in 1999, the construction of this plant had begun, which involved an investment of 76 million euros and the initial creation of 117 direct jobs. Currently, annual investments of 1.5 million euros are being made to improve working conditions and provide the production process with better technology.

In 2014, Rockwool Peninsular’s turnover exceeded 58 million euros and it employs 156 people.

What were your reasons for investing in another location?

The plan for a new Rockwool factory had a clear purpose: to guarantee the supply of its products to the Spanish and Portuguese markets (the former emerging and the latter with very important evolution projections) and to the French market (mature, sustainable and growing year after year due to state regulations).

The location of the new plant had to be in a region with developed communication infrastructures to be able to supply its products to these three markets and to have qualified human capital to hire, in addition to having raw material quarries close to the plant.

What were your reasons for investing in another location?

The region of Navarre met the geographical requirements Rockwool was looking for for its factory (proximity to France, for example). But it also provided other elements that they considered key, such as the image of seriousness and dynamism of our community abroad and the role of the institutions, which accompany, advise and add. The high level of average academic qualification of our territory (with prestigious universities and vocational training centers) was another decisive factor.

Throughout the process, the support and involvement of Sodena was considered vital by the group. Sodena accompanied Rockwool from its first contact with Navarra until the definitive implementation of the plant in the region. Among other services, it advised on the quality and cost of the business environment in Navarra, its tax advantages and possible locations, and coordinated contacts with the administration, facilitating the obtaining of permits and licenses.

Jose Manuel Carpintero (Rockwool Technical Director)

As a multinational we consider our experience in the Community very positive, as we perceive Navarra as a dynamic and non-conformist region that is continuously reinventing itself to improve and give the best of itself, like Rockwool.
The institutions accompany, advise and add up. Geographically it is well located and the honest and hard-working character of its people, together with its high level of qualification, makes it a very interesting place to invest.


The Rockwool Group arrives in Spain with the installation of a sales office in Barcelona, dependent on Rockwool Isolation, S.A. (France).

Rockwool Ibérica, S.A. is created as an independent company in France.

Construction begins on a new production plant in Caparroso (Navarra).

The Rockwool factory in Caparroso starts operations. Rockwool Ibérica is renamed Rockwool Peninsular.

Line capacity expansion project, which involved an investment of 5 million euros and an increase in the workforce of 17 people.