The PERTE for electric vehicles grants 58 million euros to companies in Navarra


The aid has given special recognition to SMEs, since 30% of the fund have gone directly to this type of company.

The PERTE (Strategic Project for Economic Recovery and Transformation) for electric and connected vehicles has granted 58 million euros to companies in Navarra, according to Raül Blanco, Secretary General for Industry and SMEs of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism (MINCOTUR).

Mr. Blanco celebrated that these aids represent a “special recognition to the SMEs”. Thus, he gave as an example that the PERTE VEC establishes the obligation that 40% of the companies participating in a business grouping must be SMEs and highlighted that 30% of the aid goes “directly” to SMEs. In addition, he stressed that the percentages of aid in R&D, energy efficiency, digitalization or environmental efficiency “are higher for SMEs”.

Overall, in the last biennium more than 200 companies have participated in programs to support SMEs in digitization or cybersecurity. In the line aimed at industry 4.0, in 2021-2022 3.5 million have been granted in projects located in Navarra; and in the line of clusters there have been more than 750,000 euros for eight projects, especially in the agri-food sector.

On the other hand, in entrepreneurship and creation of technological companies, in two years, nine companies have benefited from 2.1 million in participative loans. And in the lines of subsidies for indirect CO2 emission costs, in 2021, ten companies have benefited with 3.7 million, and in 2022, 12 companies with 8.7 million.

Figures, he stressed, that give an idea of the “dynamism of Navarra”, that its projects “are already a reality” and “strategic for companies to carry out their investment projects”.



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