Ikea investment in Tudela


The Swedish multinational has announced the forthcoming opening of a planning space to be located in the Puenta La Ribera shopping centre. It is a 260 square metre establishment, which will employ a total of ten people and where customers will be able to plan and design their own kitchen and storage projects.

This summer, Tudela will have an Ikea planning space. It will be located in the Puente la Ribera shopping centre and will occupy an area of 260 square metres. The project will also enable the hiring of ten people and will be aimed, above all, at the design and planning of personalised projects in kitchens and storage, especially.

In addition, in this establishment, customers will receive assistance in making online purchases or contracting the collection, transport and assembly services of the Swedish multinational.

According to Jorge Gayán, head of this new Ikea space in Tudela, with this initiative they are redefining their business model “with new formats” to be closer to their users “and be more accessible”. In this way, this opening forms part of the omnichannel expansion strategy that has led the company, in recent years, to set up different formats to reach new areas in a more functional and specialised way.

Currently, Ikea manages up to five different physical formats depending on their commercial location, size and the services provided in them.

Source: Noticias de Navarra

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