Eleven Navarre SMEs, among the fastest growing since 2019


3P Bio, Elaborados del Ebro and STI Norland are the most prominent in a list in which the most represented sectors are the agri-food industry and renewables.

Eleven companies from Navarra appear on the Cepyme 500 list, which analyzes the companies that have made the most progress in the last year and which also have the greatest growth potential. The companies have a turnover of close to 427 million euros, with an average rate of increase in sales of 30.3%.

The first company in the list from Navarra is 3PBio, with a turnover of more than 35 million euros. It specializes in the development and GMP manufacture of biopharmaceutical and cell therapy products. The firm already has more than 300 workers and its sales growth rate stood at 33% in 2020, with a profitability of more than 21%.

On the other hand, six of the eleven companies from Navarra that appear on the list belong to the industrial sector, which contributes almost a third of the added value of the Navarran economy and which has agri-food as one of its mainstays. Elaborados Naturales de la Ribera del Ebro, dedicated to the elaboration of prepared dishes, has doubled its sales since before the pandemic, up to 62.2 million euros. Its profitability amounts to 11.41%.

Oleofat also stands out, with a turnover of nearly 15 million euros. This is 50% more than before the pandemic and has enabled 33 people to be employed, giving new value to oilseed by-products, destined for biofuels and industry.

The renewable energy sector is another of the mainstays of Navarran business architecture. Cepyme’s ranking praises, for example, Eper, which, 15 years after its birth, already has a turnover of 20 million euros and employs 138 people. It manufactures and maintains structures for renewable energy installations and has a production plant in Portugal.

Industrial Barranquesa, with more than three decades of life, had a turnover in 2020 of more than 35 million euros, with a profitability of more than 20% thanks to its high value-added production, which it sells to some of the world’s leading wind turbine manufacturers.

Fluitecknik, with 250 employees and more than 80 million euros in sales, is another of the companies that has grown the most. It has been in business for 32 years and specializes in renewables for 23 years.

Within the pig industry, Biurrun SL is among the fastest growing companies. With 25 workers, it has a turnover of more than 33 million euros, with a profitability of more than 18%.

In the construction sector, Garnica y Cortés, founded 43 years ago, is among the companies chosen by Cepyme due to its vigorous growth in recent years.


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