This achievement demonstrates that the systems of the Autonomous Community of Navarre comply with the highest security standards in their digital management, ratifying the commitment of the Department of University, Innovation and Digital Transformation to provide the best possible service to the population and companies located in the territory. The certification covers any information system that is hosted in the two Data Processing Centres (DPC) that the region currently has.
The attainment of this certification is a new achievement in the strategy of integral regulatory compliance of the Directorate General for Telecommunications and Digitalisation of the Government of Navarre, which revolves around an information security management system based on the international standard ISO 27001 and another for business continuity based on the international standard ISO 22301.
The Telecommunications, Infrastructures and Cybersecurity Service has a team of four full-time staff assigned to this area, together with a set of specialised company services that collaborate closely with the rest of the staff dedicated to technological activities, as cybersecurity is a cross-cutting issue of special relevance for the Regional Government. This is corroborated by the allocation earmarked for this area, which in 2025 has doubled its amount with respect to the previous year to 1.5 million euros, as stated in the General Budget of Navarre.
The previous work, the work necessary to achieve this certification and the philosophy of continuous improvement of the service leave Navarre in a very advanced situation with a view to complying with the European NIS2 cybersecurity regulation, the transposition phase of which is currently at the preliminary draft stage.
This EU directive aims to align criteria in all EU countries, seeking to strengthen resilience in cybersecurity, i.e. that public administrations and private companies, which are increasingly digitalised, continue to function as expected despite the increase and sophistication of cyberthreats.
As reflected in our ‘Strategic Sectors’ section, the ICT sector in Navarre is made up of around 200 companies that employ 3,500 people and have a turnover of around 280 million euros, with a constant search for innovation. Its activities include the automation of production processes, followed by cybersecurity and the management of infrastructures and systems.
Despite being a relatively young sector, as the vast majority of the companies in it have been set up in the last 20 years, it has experienced significant growth due to the sophisticated demand from local and multinational companies in the renewable energy, health, food, automotive and public sectors in our region. The ICT sector has been of vital importance in the development of Smart Grids for renewable energy and in sensor networks for applications in the Agro or E-health sector. More information on the following link.