Volkswagen Navarra reaches pre-pandemic production levels
The plant ensures the supply of parts in recent weeks, while the semiconductor market relaxes due to lower global sales of electronic products Volkswagen Navarra
The plant ensures the supply of parts in recent weeks, while the semiconductor market relaxes due to lower global sales of electronic products Volkswagen Navarra
This operation will accelerate the growth plan foreseen for the coming years, and reinforce the strategic plan that focuses on the manufacture of thermoformed trays
The Vaivec project has had a budget of 1,013,873.98 euros, of which 600,029.86 euros have been subsidies from the Government of Navarra. Zizu (project leader),
CNTA (National Center for Food Technology and Safety, based in Navarra) participates in the SUREFISH project to control the origin of fish, and collaborates with
The trade mission of several metal SMEs from Navarra seeks to create synergies and alliances and has achieved more than 40 direct contacts with business
Navarra-based institutions create an association to group and coordinate all the actors that operate with industrial or medicinal hemp in Navara; promote cooperation between companies,
As part of its Supplier of the Year Awards in Spain 2022, the electricity company recognized the Navarra-based startup for developing “a scalable product that
In addition, the center has multiplied its scientific output, increasing from seven articles published in 2013 to 181 in 2021. The Navarrabiomed research center celebrated
The initiative Desafía San Francisco, organized by ICEX and Red.es, will allow the managers of the Navarra-based startup to immerse themselves in the technological environment
The catalog, prepared by the Directorate General for External Action of the Government of Navarra in collaboration with Sodena and GAN-NIK, includes projects and companies