AN Group recognised as “Agri-Food Co-operative of the Year” in Spain


The jury praised the company, founded in 1910 and which brings together 35,000 farmers and livestock breeders, for its position as a “benchmark” within the primary sector. They also pointed out that “it is the largest cereal cooperative” in the country as well as “the largest independent fuel operator”. They also underlined “all the actions it has carried out in terms of integration, innovation, digitalisation, diversification, equality and sustainability”.

Agri-food Cooperatives of Spain recognised the AN Group from Navarre as “Agri-food Cooperative of the Year” during its recent General Assembly. The jury praised the company, which was founded in 1910 in the town of Tajonar and currently brings together 35,000 farmers and livestock breeders, for its position as a “benchmark” within the primary sector.

They also pointed out that “it is the largest cereal cooperative” in the country, as well as “the largest independent fuel operator” in the country. They also underlined “all the actions it has carried out in terms of integration, innovation, digitalisation, diversification, equality and sustainability”. Among the latter, they highlighted the achievement in 2022 of the certification of its sustainability report and its commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Apart from the AN Group, Agri-food Cooperatives also awarded prizes to other organisations in the sector such as Condes de Albarei (in Rural Development), Bodega Cuatro Rayas (Equal Opportunities) and Viña Costeira (in Innovation).

Source: Cooperativas Agro-Alimentarias de España

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