  • The Navarra-based food multinational reported at the end of the first half of 2022 a turnover of 568.02 million euros (+21.9%) and a gross operating profit (Ebitda) of 122.5 million euros (+1.2%).

Viscofan, Navarre manufacturer and marketer of artificial cellulose, collagen and plastic casings for meat products, closed the first half of 2022 with historic results for the company. The company reported a profit of 64.8 million euros, an increase of 1.2%, and a turnover and gross operating profit that represent the best results achieved to date by the company.

Specifically, turnover rose by 21.9% to 568.02 million euros. In the second quarter, sales reached a new quarterly record high of 305.2 million euros (+28.5%), with double-digit growth in both traditional and new businesses.

The gross operating profit (Ebitda) increased by 1% up to June, to 122.5 million euros, in a context of high pressure on energy and raw material costs.

During the first half of the year, Viscofan invested a total of 40.7 million euros, of the 100 million euros it plans to invest this year, reflecting progress in the capacity and transformation investment plans set out in the ‘Beyond25’ strategic plan.

Optimism for the future

Viscofan’s chairman, José Domingo de Ampuero y Osma, said that the results for the first half of the year allow the company to “look to the future with optimism”. “To maintain theroadmap set out in the strategic plan, including our transformation projects, and to make progress in achieving the results expected for the year,” he said.

The company’s president explained the increase in turnover, noting a greater need for the products manufactured by the company “as an essential ingredient for the basic food of millions of people”, in addition to the company’s response capacity to “increase production volumes, the successful launch of new products of the new business division and the solidity of the financial balance sheet”.

La infraestructura y la conectividad del complejo industrial ya está instalada y cubre de manera adecuada todos los puntos de la planta. Con esta infraestructura, la compañía ya ha sentado las bases para conseguir un mayor ancho de banda y garantizar un mayor número de dispositivos conectados simultáneamente que permitan implantar usos concretos en la segunda mitad del año para optimizar sus procesos y avanzar hacia la Industria 4.0 gracias al 5G.

Entre estos posibles usos, se encontrarían la automatización de movimientos de mercancías, la monitorización de elementos críticos para anticiparse a posibles incidencias en la producción o la supervisión remota por medio de Realidad Aumentada.

La iniciativa contó con la colaboración del Gobierno de Navarra, a través del departamento de Universidad, Innovación y Transformación Digital, que propició la ejecución del proyecto, facilitó sus recursos y hace cinco meses consideró este proyecto de interés foral.


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