Navarra-based firm Tcmatic, awarded at the German Design Awards 2023


The company was recognized in the ‘Excellent Product Design Industry’ category for its new ACE 23.01 machine, which simplifies gearbox maintenance processes. It also has Wi-Fi connectivity.

The Navarra-based company Tcmatic announced that it has won the Winner award at the German Design Awards 2023 for its new ACE 23.01, specifically in the Excellent Product Design Industry category.

This product simplifies gearbox maintenance processes through an innovative and complete software developed in-house, which gives the user full control of all gearbox maintenance processes. It also has Wi-Fi connectivity, which makes it easy to connect to Tcmatic Data Service, Tcmatic’s nerve center.

“It has been a long process to decide on the physical, technical and technological qualities of our new ACE. But we certainly got it right,” said Miguel Sola, CEO of the company. This award comes precisely in the year of celebration of its tenth anniversary. The awards ceremony will be held next month in Frankfurt.


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