The Lumbier and Falces wind farm materials recycling plants will create 180 jobs


The Government of Navarra agreed to declare as investments of foral interest the project of the company Acciona and that of the company Renercycle. The former will invest 16 million euros in a wind turbine blade recycling facility that will generate 110 jobs (48 direct and 62 indirect). In the second case, the planned investment is 5 million euros for the dismantling of wind power generation facilities and the reconditioning and repair of components from these facilities. Seventy people will be employed in this activity (25 direct and 45 indirect).

The projects in question are designed to promote high added value activities in the field of industrial development and the offer of innovative products and services in the renewable energy sector, with a significant impact on the economy of the Autonomous Community of Navarre. These projects are aligned with the S4 smart specialization strategy, which promotes renewable energies, and with the Agenda for the development of the Circular Economy in Navarra 2030. As they are located outside the metropolitan area of Pamplona, they also contribute to territorial cohesion and the fight against depopulation, as highlighted by Mikel Irujo, Minister of Industry and Ecological and Digital Business Transition.

In response to the growing debate on the waste generated by wind and solar farms at the end of their useful life, the Government of Navarra considers it essential to implement circular economy practices in the life cycle of the components of these machines. The objective is that materials can be recycled and reused. The projects declared today as investments of foral interest seek precisely innovative solutions to achieve the reuse, recovery and recycling of most of the components of a wind turbine, moving towards a complete use of these materials.

It is estimated that 75% of the components of a used wind turbine can be reused in another wind turbine after a suitable reconditioning process. As many wind farms installed in recent decades are reaching the end of their useful life (20-30 years), dismantling and materials management activities are expected to start in 2024 and increase in the coming years.


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