Sunsundegui closes an agreement with Volvo that will enable it to create between 400 and 500 jobs.


The Altsasu-based company, supported by Sodena, will manufacture the Swedish company’s top-of-the-range 9700 and 9900 buses. The agreement also envisages a production rate of two units per day from May 2024. “This workload will guarantee Sunsundegui’s activity for the coming years,” said the company’s managers.

Representatives of Sunsundegui and Volvo Bus signed a pre-agreement whereby the Altsasu-based company, supported by Sodena, will manufacture the Swedish company’s top-of-the-range 9700 and 9900 buses. The agreement also envisages a production rate of two units per day from May 2024, which will mean the incorporation of between 400 and 500 people at the Navarre factory until 2027. “This workload will guarantee Sunsundegui’s activity for the coming years”, its directors pointed out.

In this sense, the Navarrese company, which currently has a workforce of 250 people, expects to end the year with 280 jobs and to exceed 700 in 2027. In addition to employment, the project will involve investments of approximately 16 million euros to mass-produce the new Volvo buses.

“Sunsundegui is grateful for the trust placed in Volvo Bus, as well as to the Government of Navarre for the help provided during the negotiation process. And, in particular, for their involvement, the President of Navarre, María Chivite, and the Regional Minister for Economic and Business Development, Mikel Irujo,” the company confirmed in a statement.

Source: Diario de Navarra

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