Sistelec delivers the technology for Europe’s first 5G fixed wireless access network


Users will be able to enjoy a faster and smoother browsing experience thanks to an infrastructure whose main features are its high speed and low latency. In this sense, for its implementation, the Navarre-based company has had the support and collaboration of Globe Telecom through its subsidiary ‘Fibergreen’. “With the solutions available in our portfolio and our efforts to provide products, services and support, we have created a perfect alliance for the development of this project,” said Francisco Javier Blanco, Sales Manager of Sistelec.

The strategic alliance between the Navarrese firm Sistelec and ‘Fibergreen’, a subsidiary of Globe Telecom, has enabled the implementation in Valladolid of the first European 5G fixed wireless access network. Specifically, Sistelec has contributed to this project the ‘CnWave 26Ghz’ technology that allows users of this service to enjoy a faster and smoother browsing experience thanks to an infrastructure whose main features are its high speed and low latency. The first beneficiaries have been the inhabitants of Valladolid, the first European capital where this new network has been implemented.

“With the solutions available in our portfolio and our efforts to provide products, services and support, we have created a perfect partnership with Globe Telecom for the development of this project,” said Francisco Javier Blanco, Sales Manager of Sistelec.

For his part, the president and CEO of Globe Telecom and Fibergreen, Óscar Prieto, was “delighted” to be “the pioneers” in the deployment of this new technology in Europe that “eliminates the digital divide in those areas where fibre optics does not reach”, he confirmed.

Source: Diario de Navarra

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