Plastic Repair System announces the opening of a second branch in Mexico


Its co-CEO, Alfredo Neila, explained that the new factory will be located “in the north of the country”, in the regions of Nuevo León or Coahuila where the company has a “large portfolio of customers”. The firm also reported that its plants repaired a total of 3,129 tonnes of plastic in 2022.

Plastic Repair System, a company specialising in the repair, maintenance and adaptation of returnable transport packaging such as pallets, containers, lids and plastic crates, will soon have a new production centre in Mexico. This was announced by the co-managing directors, Alfredo Neila and Toni Astibia, during a visit by the Regional Minister for Economic and Business Development, Mikel Irujo, to the company’s headquarters.

After the meeting, Neila confirmed that the delegation will be located “in the north of the country”, in the regions of Nuevo León and Coahuila, where the company has a “large portfolio of clients”. The firm also reported that its plants repaired a total of 3,129 tonnes of plastic in 2022.

“Our proprietary technology allows us to achieve high efficiency in the recovery of quality plastic elements, giving a new life to the product while practically eliminating the generation of waste,” said Alfredo Neila. This manager also highlighted the “exceptional reception” that his proposal has had in the European and American markets.


Source: Navarra Capital

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