Oleofat to invest up to 12.5 million in its plant after doubling turnover


After closing 2021 with a turnover of 58 million euros, the company expects to approach 120 million euros this year. In this context, it has reserved the purchase of a plot of land in the agri-food city of Tudela to undertake the expansion of its current plant in 2023. A project that will lead to the creation of twenty-five new jobs thanks to the implementation of two lines, “with which it will double its production capacity”.

Oleofat, a Navarran company specialized in the management and treatment of oleic waste, formalized last Monday an agreement to reserve the purchase of a plot of land to undertake the expansion of its plant in Tudela, southern Navarra. The news comes shortly after the company was included in the Cepyme500 list as one of the fastest growing Spanish SMEs.

The expansion plan planned by Oleofat for 2023 contemplates an investment of up to 12.5 million and will have positive benefits, such as reinforcing its establishment in Navarra and promoting economic activity and job creation in the region of La Ribera, in the south of Navarra.

The expansion of the Tudela plant will allow Oleofat to advance in its program aimed at bioenergy and special products, with the implementation of two new lines which will double its current production capacity. One of them will focus on the treatment of fatty acids for the production of advanced biofuels with low CO2 emissions, and the second on the production of active principles of vegetable origin for the nutraceutical industry.

Oleofat has scheduled the start-up of its new facilities at CAT for the end of 2023, as well as the creation of twenty-five new direct jobs, which will reinforce its current staff of 57 workers.


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