Navarra promotes investment in R&D&I and renewable energies

  • This year, the regional government is granting 4.2 million euros in investment aid in these two areas.

A company that does not invest in research, development and innovation (R&D&I) is generally losing competitive strength. Unfortunately, the economic crisis has prevented many companies in Navarra, especially the smaller ones, from allocating all the resources they would have liked to this area. The Government of Navarre will try to correct this shortcoming by granting 1.2 million euros in aid in 2015. Another three million will be earmarked for the promotion of renewable energies.

Navarre is an ideal territory for investment, among many other reasons because its institutions strive to accompany entrepreneurs as far as possible, to help them overcome the obstacles they encounter along the way.

At the end of 2014, the Regional Government issued a call for R&D projects with 7.8 million euros. For 2015, two more calls are planned, which will result in technology bonds and aid to apply for national and international funding.

Technology network

The bonds will be allocated to SMEs that subcontract part of their R&D to technology centers, universities and other research entities located in Navarra. The endowment foreseen is 600,000 euros. This will benefit, therefore, not only the companies, but the whole technological network of the region. The deadline to apply for these grants is October 31. 

A further 600,000 euros will enable interested SMEs to present their projects in the best possible way to the calls for aid from the European Horizon 20/20 program, which finances research and innovation projects in various areas in the European context, and from other national and international organizations.

SMEs will be able to use the funds they receive to hire consulting firms to carry out all the necessary procedures. The quality of the applications is sought. Applications may also be submitted online before December 15.

Navarra will also allocate another 3 million euros in 2015 for the promotion of renewable energies. Incentives will be provided, for example, for the creation of self-consumption facilities that integrate these energies, among other initiatives.


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