Navarre’s industrial plan will create 2,000 jobs and 163 new companies by 2025

  • The Industrial Plan of Navarra 2021-2025 will seek to increase the weight of industrial activity in GDP from the current 30% to 32%.

  • Growth sectors have been identified in product manufacturing, electric power, the food industry, pharmaceuticals and motor vehicles.

Navarra has presented its Industrial Plan for the period 2021-2025. This plan aims to place Navarre’s industry at the center of the roadmap of Navarre’s socioeconomic policy and to boost growth. The plan aims to achieve that the weight of industry reaches 32% of GDP, to reach 74,000 jobs and to form an ecosystem of 3,500 companies.

The plan identifies three transformational vectors for Industry: the transition to Industry 4.0, sustainability and people. The transformation towards Industry 4.0 (beyond digitalization) and sustainable transformation will be present transversally.

The draft industrial plan includes the strategic actions for Navarra based on Navarra’s Smart Specialization Strategy (S4):

The automotive and mechatronics sectors will contribute to electric and connected mobility; agribusiness, to healthy and sustainable food; biopharmaceuticals, with 27 production units, and healthcare technologies in medical equipment and artificial intelligence, to personalized medicine; the wind energy chain, which today generates more than 17,000 jobs, and other renewable energies, to the green industry; and finally, graphic and audiovisual activities will contribute to the audiovisual industry.

Seven thematic roundtables have been created to prepare the plan, with the participation of companies, clusters and organizations related to value chains.

The Next-Generation and REACT fundraising strategy will significantly strengthen several of the work streams, such as digitalization, green transition and energy efficiency.

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