Navarra’s ICT School attracts interest from other regions

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This is a project promoted by the Navarre Employment Service that aims to offer solutions to the talent gap in the digital sector and to train the technological profiles necessary to ensure the digital transition of the Navarre business network.

The ICT School developed by the Navarre Employment Service has aroused the interest of other regions as a reference initiative to ensure the digital transition, as explained the director of the Professional Skills Development Service, Carlos Adín, at the SME University Congress.

This training program, developed to address the shortage of certain technological profiles in the labor market of Navarre, has led to the design of different reskilling courses, aimed at recent graduates from academic institutions and professionals in the sector; upskilling, aimed at IT professionals who wish to “make a qualitative leap” to provide new solutions to customers and manufacturers; and realignment. This last line focuses on the retraining of workers who wish to develop a new professional profile and enter a new sector.

Under this umbrella, and in collaboration with various public and private entities, the SNE-NL has organized the launch of two summer camps for young people interested in software development; the Digital Bricklayers program; and training courses focused on data analysis, cybersecurity, animation and agile software development.

Other projects

During his speech at the Congress, Adín also referred to the Sectorial Schools promoted by the Navarre Employment Service. Through different programs aimed at specific sectors, the initiative seeks to address the challenges of the labor market through public-private collaboration. Based on the grouping of companies that identify and pool their needs, these theoretical-practical training courses aim to solve the hiring needs of the organizations, favoring, in turn, the labor insertion of young people and vulnerable groups.

On the other hand, the director of the Professional Skills Development Service of the public body explained what the Lidera Program consists of, an initiative with several years of experience focused on boosting the professional skills and aptitudes of entrepreneurs, managers and senior managers; and digitalize, which brings together training actions to acquire and enhance digital skills in companies, seeking the integration of technology in all corporate areas to gain in competitiveness.

All this is complemented, according to Adín, with the Digital Skills Development Plan for the working population promoted this year, which includes from free resources in the Lansare Employment channel and basic digital skills courses to specialized programming training for professionals and digitization modules.


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