Navarra to generate 213,000 jobs by 2035

A* Jesús Garzaron
F* 2023_12_01
T* Jornada sobre empresas y mercado laboral organizada por APD
L* Colegio de médicos de Navarra.

This is one of the main conclusions of the conference “Navarrese companies and the labour market: how to resolve the imbalance” promoted by the Association for Management Progress (APD) and the financial institution CaixaBank. It was announced that the most in-demand profiles will be industrial, engineering and technology. And that more than 28% of the job offers (around 60,000 jobs) will correspond to graduates in Vocational Training (FP).

According to Adecco, production and industry are the sectors that lead the number of job vacancies that currently exist in Navarre, with 16% of unfilled vacancies. They are followed by engineering with 15.1 % and logistics and distribution with 11 %. At the other end of the scale are jobs linked to consultancy (0.4 %), management and administration (0.5 %) and science and research (0.9 %).

Against this backdrop, the Director of CaixaBank Dualiza, Paula San Luis, defended the opportunity that vocational training (VET) can offer to make up for the current imbalance between supply and demand. And, although she pointed out that Dual Vocational Training in Navarre represents 15% of the total compared to 5% in the rest of Spain, San Luis advocated supporting a model which, in her opinion, is one of the main “recruitment strategies” currently available to companies.

Along the same lines, Javier Blasco, Director of The Adecco Group Institute, detailed some of the characteristics that define the current labour market in Spain. Thus, he raised the need to improve continuous training and the re-qualification of workers as two necessary measures to facilitate and boost the recruitment of personnel. At the same time, he advocated reducing excessive regulation as well as “incentivising employability and incorporation into the labour market in line with what the EU authorities are calling for”; he added.

Source: Diario de Navarra

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