Navarra remains the region with the highest quality of life in Spain

Parque Fluvial del Arga

Since 2008, the Autonomous Community of Navarra has remained in first place, reaffirming its position in 2023 with 105.3 points, surpassing the national average for Spain, which stands at 101.5 points. This leadership is especially significant in comparison with other communities in our environment, since La Rioja and Aragon, which occupy second and third place, and the Basque Country, which occupies fourth place, do not reach the same levels.

The First Vice-President and Regional Minister for the Presidency and Equality, Félix Taberna, stressed that ‘we have been consolidating our position as leaders in quality of life for more than 15 years. And quality of life is not only measured in terms of life expectancy or material conditions, but also in community, cultural and sporting conditions. This leadership in quality of life does not happen by itself. It comes about because we have a public system and an administration that evidently promotes public policies for all citizens. And these public policies for the citizens as a whole must also reflect a fiscal commitment’.

Félix Taberna stressed that ‘we believe that Navarra has had and continues to have these levels of quality of life for 15 years and, among other factors, this is due to the progressive effort and the fiscal effort of all the people who contribute to this quality of life for the whole of Navarra’.

In this sense, the IMCV assesses quality of life in nine key dimensions, and Navarra stands out as a leader in four of them: General experience of life, Environment and surroundings, Leisure and social relations, and Health. In addition, Navarra ranks third in the dimensions of Education and Work, and fourth in Material Living Conditions.

These results underline the balance and general well-being enjoyed by Navarra’s citizens in many aspects of their daily lives. The areas with most room for improvement include Governance and Basic Rights, and Physical and Personal Security. These aspects offer opportunities for further progress and further strengthening the well-being of the population, with the aim of consolidating Navarra’s leadership in all areas of quality of life.

We invite all those interested in exploring the benefits, opportunities and advantages that Navarre offers for comprehensive personal and professional development to consult the information available at the following link.


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