Navarre leads the transition to electric vehicles in Spain within the framework of the Moves III program

  • Navarra, with an execution rate of 73%, is the most advanced region in Spain to implement the MOVES III program of incentives linked to electric mobility, a plan of the Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge within the framework of the European Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

  • In addition to the aforementioned plan, almost eighteen additional million have been contributed in Navarre to facilitate access to electric vehicles for the region’s citizens.

Navarre is the most advanced region in Spain in the execution of the Moves III program of incentives linked to electric mobility, with an execution rate of 73.2%. With this result, after analyzing the contributions of all the autonomous communities, the region leads the transition to electric vehicles at state level, as stated in the document of the Navarre Agenda for the promotion of electric mobility.

In addition, the regional government has contributed almost eighteen million additional euros to facilitate access to electric vehicles for the region’s citizens. On the other hand, the deployment of recharging points in parking lots and public spaces is currently being promoted, which will allow to set up a network that combines the use of recharging points among the local population and visitors.


Public-private collaboration

In this way, through the General Directorate of Tourism of the Government of Navarra, the locationswith the greatest influx of visitors by car are being identified for the placement of charging points in tourist enclaves. The Government is also working on a 24/7 management platform for the correct maintenance and management of the points, both for managers and users, who will be able to reserve the charging of their vehicles. Likewise, together with Enercluster and the Automotive Cluster Association of Navarra (ACAN), progress is being made in the number of charging points installed in industries, which now exceed one hundred.




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