Navarra is once again the Spanish autonomous community with the highest quality of life


According to the Multidimensional Indicator of Quality of Life (IMCV) of the National Statistics Institute (INE), the Autonomous Community of Navarre leads in the sections of “general experience of life”, “surroundings and environment” and “leisure and social relations”. On the other hand, it occupies second place in the “Quality in Education and Health” rankings, and third in “material conditions”. In terms of areas for improvement, “Work”, “Governance and basic rights” as well as “Physical and personal safety” are cited, where it ranks sixth, eighth and ninth, respectively.

Specifically, the IMCV compares the situation and evolution of the different Spanish territories in nine areas on the basis of 55 indicators to offer a panoramic view of the quality of life on a national level. These indicators are taken, above all, from periodic consultations carried out among the population, such as the Living Conditions Survey or the Labour Force Survey. The report has taken as a reference, on this occasion, the data corresponding to 2022.

“Of all the nine factors taken into account, Navarre is once again the leader in terms of quality of life in comparison with the autonomous communities of Spain. This is a very significant figure, but it is not a question of awarding ourselves medals. It should spur us on to improve, to see where there is room for improvement and to make progress in this area. Let us not fall into self-indulgence and ethnocentrism, but rather let us look for references to improve”, insisted the First Vice-President and Regional Minister of the Presidency and Equality of the Government of Navarre, Félix Taberna,

In the overall balance, Navarre, La Rioja and Aragon, in that order, have the highest levels of quality of life in the year 2022. The Autonomous Community of Navarre stands out as the region that leads the highest number of dimensions and is also the one that is most often among the top three. Specifically, on six occasions it occupies one of the top three positions. In second place is La Rioja, with five appearances. This good general performance is what makes Navarre the leader in the overall index and the fact that it is always above the national average in all nine dimensions. In the evolution between 2008 and 2022, it can be seen, on the other hand, how Navarre’s position has always been the best throughout the entire series.



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