Navarra will inject 5 million in technology centers to boost their excellence


The EvolTECH call for proposals seeks to promote the training, consolidation and excellence of Navarra’s technology centers.

The Department of University, Innovation and Digital Transformation of the Goverment of Navarra will allocate 5 million euros, until 2024, to the call for grants to technology centers for EvolTECH training activities. The objective is to promote the training, consolidation and excellence of these entities, aimed at maintaining and improving their indicators.

The aim of this line of aid is to finance the activities contemplated in the action plans presented by the centers and which are aimed at achieving the indicators in the fields of excellence, transfer and talent. This action plan must contain an analysis of the weaknesses and a proposal for improvement of their activities.

These actions may focus on improving training in technology; increasing its positioning in relation to others; detecting new scientific advances, technological orientations and new trends; promoting participation in national and European R&D projects; increasing participation in forums, technology platforms and associations; enhancing synergies with other SINAI agents or other reference centers; publishing articles in indexed journals; or improving training, hiring new personnel or increasing the number of personnel transferred to industry.



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