Navarra-based startup KoalaLifter devises new friction climbing craneless system for the wind industry


Navarra-based company KoalaLifter launched its first product, known as KL-N30, a craneless system used in wind turbine maintenance to change large wind turbine components with a load capacity of up to 30 tons, or to cover the needs of wind turbines of up to 4-5 MW. The presentation took place at the Wind Energy trade fair in Hamburg.

It is the first system on the market that climbs the wind turbine tower by friction and can be adapted to any wind turbine without design modifications or additional tools. In addition, it does not require cranes and is capable of performing maintenance on floating wind turbines and dismantling wind turbines.

Lines of development

The Navarre-based startup is currently working on the development of other innovative products for the wind industry, such as the KL-Castor, equipment for the construction of the complete wind turbine, and the KL-N80, equipment for the maintenance and dismantling of turbines below 2 MW.

The entire range of products can be applicable to both onshore and offshore wind by using a wave compensating platform, a much more efficient means than the Jack ups currently employed.




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