Trenasa secures its activity for 2023 and 2024 with new railway projects


The CAF Group subsidiary currently employs 70 people in the Navarra-based town of Castejón. And among its upcoming orders are the refurbishment of the Paris suburban train and the manufacture of other units destined for the railway services of Auckland (New Zealand), Essen and Bonn (Germany) or the United Arab Emirates.

The manager of Trenasa, Luis Fernández González, and its General Manager of Vehicle Business, Josu Imaz, confirmed some of the projects in which this subsidiary of the CAF railway group based in Castejón (Navarra) is working on. Thus, for instance, they informed about the works they have started to refurbish the Paris suburban train as well as the manufacturing of other units for Auckland (New Zealand) and Essen (Germany) services.

They also detailed that, with a view to next year, they plan to start other similar projects in the former German capital, Bonn, as well as in the Arab Emirates. Therefore, both managers considered that the company has sufficient workload to ensure the maintenance of its activity for the next two years. To this end, this work centre, which employs 70 people, is in the process of adapting its assembly lines to be able to take on new projects and auxiliary assemblies.

On the other hand, Trenasa is located in the Castejón industrial estate, a strategic transport hub in Navarra. In fact, this infrastructure has enough space to attract new companies, which is why it is in the middle of an expansion phase, which will allow it to be equipped with an intermodal system, as established in the Industrial Plan of Navarra.




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