Navarra is the sole leader in university performance


It has reached 29 of the 37 indicators in the top group of the CYD Ranking. It stands out in teaching, research and international orientation and UNAV is co-leader while UPNA is ranked 20th out of 79 universities.

Navarra’s university system is the leader in the CYD Ranking, which is prepared annually by the Knowledge and Development Foundation (Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo). Navarra is at the top, followed by the Basque Autonomous Community and Catalonia. Navarra’s universities stand out above all in the dimensions of teaching-learning, research and international orientation. It also obtains excellent results in the section on knowledge transfer, only surpassed by Catalonia and the Valencian Community, while in the area of contribution to regional development it remains outside the leading group.

Of the 79 universities analyzed in the ranking, the University of Navarra shares the lead with the Autonomous University of Barcelona, both with 28 indicators in the highest performance group. Specifically, the private center stands out in the teaching-learning, research and internationality sections. In 20th place is the Public University of Navarra, with 14 indicators in the top group.

Higher yields and lower attrition

Navarra is an outstanding leader in the teaching and learning dimension, with eight of the nine indicators at the highest level. This section takes into account, for example, the performance rate (credits passed over enrolled), the success rate (credits passed over submitted) or the graduation rate (students graduating in the stipulated time).

In the research dimension, the Navarra university system also achieves excellent results with most indicators at the highest level. In the area of international orientation, Navarra’s universities stand out (mainly due to the influence of the UN) in student mobility, internships abroad, foreign language degrees or international publications, while in knowledge transfer they also achieve good results in terms of patents, spin offs, private funds or publications with companies.


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