Navarre-based startup Multihelpers, selected by Mediamarkt for the world’s first home DIY service


MediaMarkt Iberia, the leading consumer electronics distribution company in Spain, has signed a collaboration agreement with Multihelpers, a pioneering home assistance startup based in Pamplona, which has more than 5,000 DIY professionals nationwide.

With this new service, customers will be able to purchase a package of hours on a monthly subscription or pay-as-you-go basis. The subscription will allow the network of professionals specialized in DIY tasks to carry out small interventions in the home, such as installing televisions, installing sensors or video surveillance cameras, assembling furniture, putting up shelves, blinds or curtains or even changing sockets or lamps, taps or the cistern.

This agreement is an important boost for Multihelpers to expand and universalize its technological platform, with the mission of providing quality, reliable and close home assistance and a vision of circular and collaborative economy.

About Multihelpers

Multihelpers is a home assistance technology startup, and has the first specialized DIY network nationwide. Founded in 2017, with headquarters in Pamplona and office in Madrid, it already has a team of 16 people and more than 5,000 professionals throughout Spain.

Its clients include some of the most relevant companies in the sector such as Mutua Madrileña, Lagun Aro, Ocaso, Multiasistencia, Europ Assistance or AEDAS. The company has recently created the INCCO Foundation, with the aim of training and accompanying people in social exclusion in order to train them in DIY work so that they can make this profession their professional future. 


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