MainRail promotes a new integrated maintenance model for railway infrastructures


The company from Navarra launches a solution, based on the use of digital twins and Artificial Intelligence (AI), which predicts the risks of track deformation in the event of high temperatures in summer. Its application also enables a 25% reduction in maintenance costs. The origin of this innovative development can be traced back to a proprietary management software developed by MainRail and already implemented on more than 3,200 kilometres of track.

The Navarra-based MainRail, a high-tech startup that provides IT solutions for optimised infrastructure maintenance, has launched the first model for predictive railway infrastructure management based on digital twins and Artificial Intelligence (AI). This not only predicts the risks of track deformation in the event of high summer temperatures. It also reduces by 25% the maintenance costs of these infrastructures which, in the EU alone, exceed €11 billion per year.

Previously, this firm, set up in 2020 as a spin-off of CEIT, an associated technology centre of the University of Navarra, developed its own software that currently allows the predictive and corrective assurance of more than 3,200 kilometres of track.

The company, on the other hand, was recently in the news because the public company dependent on the Government of Navarra, Sodena, together with the funds Navarra Tech Transfer and UN I+d+I Tech Transfer de Clave and CDTI Innovación and its Innvierte programme, announced a joint investment commitment for a total value of 854,000 in the Navarrese company MainRail. A financial support in which the management team of the aforementioned company will also participate and which will go towards the design and execution of new technological and functional developments as well as boosting the company’s commercial expansion.


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