Kunak from Navarre carries out an innovative project for the Chilean railroad company


The Orkoien-based company deployed four of its Kunak AIR Pro stations in the Valparaiso subway in Chile to monitor its ventilation and air quality systems. This application has made it possible to adjust the air flow in real time and to identify gas concentration problems in advance. This has created a “healthier and safer” environment for the users of this means of transport.

Empresa de Ferrocarriles de Chile (EFE Trenes de Chile) currently manages the subway service in the city of Valparaiso. It has a dual function: in the morning it transports passengers by means of an electrified system. Meanwhile, at night, the main activity is the movement of materials and goods by means of locomotives that use diesel as their main source of energy.

In this context, the activity developed by Kunak revolved around three main lines of work. The first consisted of a fluid dynamic simulation and modeling of the ventilation systems of subway stations. Secondly, they measured the exposure to contamination of subway personnel through certified personal devices. And finally, they performed real-time monitoring of localized gases and particulates both in the environment and in the environment of the stations themselves.

In addition to the aforementioned benefits, the work of the Navarre firm has also enabled EFE Trenes de Chile to comply with the recently enacted Chilean law 594. The purpose of the latter is to protect the health of both workers and users of rail transport in the South American country.

Source: Navarra Capital

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