Jofemar Corporation beat its record turnover in 2022 with 61.3 million euros


This figure, as reported by the Peralta-based company, represents a growth of 21.05 % with respect to 2021. In addition, the profitability of the business also experienced a significant increase, reaching an EBITDA of 9.1 million euros (up 29.45 %).

Jofemar Corporation closed 2022 with historic results for this business group based in Peralta, in the south of Navarra. Specifically, the corporation, dedicated to the vending, electric mobility and energy storage industries, recorded its best turnover figure with 61.3 million euros (21.05 % more than in 2021), as reported through a statement. This growth was also reflected in the profitability of the business, with an EBITDA of 9.1 million euros (29.45 % more than in 2021).

Sodena, the venture capital instrument of the Government of Navarra has participated in the capital of this group since 2017 and the firm’s president, Félix Guindulain, wanted to thank its support to a business project “that has always prioritized the generation of employment and wealth in Navarra”.

During the meeting, which also included a visit to the facilities and a brief exchange with the founders, several data were broken down that illustrate the positive impact of Jofemar Corporation’s activity in the region. For example, the generation of employment stands out, with a growth of 10 % in the last two years and 30 new hires, reaching 303 positions. To this figure must be added the number of indirect jobs, which the company estimates at around 600.

Also noteworthy is the boost to regional industry, with 21.7 million euros in purchases from local suppliers, in addition to the annual investment in R&D projects, which is around one million euros. “All these data are an irrefutable proof that our commitment with the environment is real and we materialize it in all our actions”, highlighted Guindulain.

Strategic Plan 2021-2025

In the words of Félix Guindulain, “the good data endorse the success of the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, in which the group is immersed after years of growth and diversification in numerous sectors”. From the strong position achieved in the vending segment, in recent years the company has been committed to promoting and consolidating new business lines such as Jofemar Energy, Electromobility and Health. The company has also created Global Services, a division responsible for providing centralized technical support to all the customers of any division of the group.




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