Irumold internationalises 95 % of its moulds for plastic products

A: Jesús Caso
F: 08.03.2023
L: Arazuri-Orkoien
T: Empresa Irumold

The company, which has belonged to the North American Flex group since 2016, recently completed its move to the Arazuri industrial estate, where it occupies a 7,700 square metre facility. In addition, it employs 65 people and achieved a total turnover of 17 million euros last year thanks to sales that it divides between the medical-pharmaceutical sector in Europe and the United States, above all.

Since last August, the former Uscal facilities in the Arazuri industrial estate have housed the main production centre of Irumold, a manufacturer specialising in moulds for plastic products. Specifically, the company moved from its old headquarters on the Agustinos industrial estate to its new 7,700 square metre site in order to cater for the growth it has experienced over the last few years. In this sense, the company, which has belonged to the North American Flex group since 2016, employs 65 people and last year achieved a total turnover of 17 million euros, more than double the 8 million it obtained in 2007.

This momentum has been driven mainly by its sales abroad. Specifically, the company sells 95% of its production, which it divides, above all, between the European medical-pharmaceutical sector and the United States. The former accounts for 55 % of the company’s results, while the other market accounts for 40 %.

In this respect, the portfolio covered by Irumold is very broad, as its moulds can produce everything from insulin distribution pens to diabetes patches, catheter needles and parts for flu vaccines, among others. Of all of these, the moulds it has made to manufacture the so-called “ventolin”, the popular inhaler used for asthma, stand out.


Source: Diario de Navarra

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