Navarra to fund 1.5 million euros for personalised medicine projects promoted by European consortiums


The call, called EP-PerMed, will run for the next 7 years. In each of these years, proposals may be submitted for funding of up to 200,000 euros for a duration of approximately 3 years.

The initiative seeks to encourage cross-sectoral collaborations, including the private sector, industry, as well as regulatory agencies and patient organisations. Consortia are also required to be transnational. This implies that each consortium must involve at least three partners from three different EU Member States or associated countries whose funding organisations are participating in the call.

There are three categories in which applicants belonging to one entity can submit joint research proposals. The first is academic, which includes research teams working in universities or other higher education institutions. The second is the clinical or public health sector, which seeks to encourage the participation of clinicians in research teams. Finally, there is the category dedicated to the private sector, both for-profit entities (SMEs and large companies) and non-profit entities (foundations, associations or non-governmental organisations…).

The deadline for submitting projects for the first call begins on Friday 12 January and ends on 5 March. At this early stage, only a draft project must be submitted via the call’s website. Pre-approved projects will be announced around 20 May. These projects must submit a full proposal by 20 June.

A webinar will be held on 15 January to explain all the details of the call for proposals. To participate in the session you must sign up by completing the registration form located on the website of the call (


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