Navarra Health Cluster opens the call for applications for the 1st Euroregional Bio-Health Award


The Navarra Health Cluster opens this September 1st the call for applications for the 1st Euroregional Bio-Health Award. The aim of this award is to promote the 8th New Aquitaine – Basque Country – Navarra Bio-Health meeting (#8RNAEN) that will take place on 16th and 17th October 2023. This meeting brings together three territories of the Euroregion: New Aquitaine, the Basque Country and Navarre. These meetings are another tool to promote the bio-health sector in the Euroregion and encourage cross-border collaborations.

The meeting will take place at the Pamplona College of Doctors and the topics addressed will revolve around trends and technology in healthcare, promising SMEs, and the interests of investors with the proposal of “Reverse Pitches” from different investment funds, which is why the event has been classified as a Brockerage Event. The agenda already has 3 confirmed keynotes, with topics such as “Artificial Intelligence and the Challenges in Health”, trends in Medtech and trends in Biopharma. The 1st Euroregional Bio-Health Award will seek to give visibility and recognition to the most innovative SMEs in the Basque Country, Navarre and New Aquitaine. The award is divided into 2 categories, Biopharma and Medtech with a prize of €3,000 per category. From all those who apply, 18 finalists will be shortlisted with equal representation from the three regions. The finalists are the ones who will pitch at the event and will have to convince the jury that their company is the most promising one.

This event is organised by the Navarra Health Cluster NHC, the Basque Health Cluster BHC, Alliance Innovation Santé Nouvelle-Aquitaine ALLIS-NA, Enterprise Europe Network EEN – University of Navarra and CEIN. The meeting also counts with the collaboration of BIHARTEAN, POLEPHARMA GIPSO, EUSKAMPUS, CLUSTERS SALUD ESPAÑA and the sponsorship of SODENA, the agency for the economic development of Navarra, Government of Navarra and the Euroregion Nouvelle Aquitaine, Euskadi, Navarra.


Source: Navarra Health Cluster

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