Cinfa launches an open innovation platform to drive innovation in healthcare


Under the name CinfaNext, the project focuses on longevity, chronicity, personalization, self-management of health, natural solutions with scientific evidence and sustainability.


Cinfa has announced the launch of CinfaNext, its new open innovation platform, a tool with which it will identify innovative projects to respond to people’s healthcare needs. According to the company, this platform will work “with various entities and people from the innovative ecosystem, with the aim of making new and innovative healthcare solutions available to patients and healthcare professionals”.

As the company’s president explained, this new action seeks to leverage the firm’s leadership position in the pharmaceutical market and its traction capacity to help new players seeking access to a highly regulated market. “Cinfa’s intention with this platform is to work on new lines of action that may prove synergistic with our company’s projects,” explained Enrique Ordieres, president of Cinfa.

Focus of innovation

In this sense, CinfaNext will seek to delve deeper into several health trends that define its innovation focuses:

Longevity: thanks to medical, pharmaceutical and socio-health advances in recent years and as a result of greater awareness of the importance of health, nutrition and exercise, people “are enjoying longer life expectancy every day.” In this context, the challenge “is not only to make it easier for people to live longer, but to do so with a higher quality of life”.

Chronicity: This longevity, together with greater efficacy in medical and pharmacological treatments, means that “more and more people are living for years with chronic diseases”. “Treating each case specifically, accompanying patients and improving their quality of life is another focus on which CinfaNext will work.”

Personalization: Advances in diagnostics, nutrigenenomics and other areas “have enabled Cinfa to move toward health solutions that are increasingly tailored to the characteristics and needs of each person.” Through CinfaNext, “this line of work will continue to be explored”.

Self-management of health: People “are playing an increasingly active role in the management of their health. Advances in information, diagnosis, monitoring and prevention technologies “allow patients to be more involved in the management of their pathologies”, and Cinfa seeks “to explore these options in greater depth, always in coordination with healthcare professionals”.

Natural solutions with scientific evidence: There is a growing social interest in new formulas and natural treatments to prevent or treat diseases. To respond to this demand, Cinfa “will explore this line of solutions, always ensuring maximum scientific-clinical evidence, efficacy and safety”.

Sustainability: As a cross-cutting aspect in all its projects, the company “also seeks to identify and support pioneering projects that enhance the balance between environmental care, economic development and social welfare”.

“Our differential value lies in the breadth of the collaborations we consider, since at CinfaNext we do not limit ourselves to a specific therapeutic area, but rather we contemplate a wide range of initiatives that can be included in our strategy,” said Julio Sánchez, head of Innovation at Cinfa. “Thus, we could consider projects ranging from ease of use or adherence to treatments, to improvements in the sustainability of the packaging of our drugs, to give just a few examples,” he concluded.


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