VW Navarra’s best apprentice among the best in the automotive group worldwide

Technical drawings with the bearing in a blue toning

Lucas Almirantearena, 18, who works in the engine workshop at the German multinational’s factory in Pamplona, recently won this award along with around fifty other young talents from 20 different nationalities.

Lucas Almirantearena, 18, who works in the engine workshop at the Landaben plant, has won this award along with around fifty other young talents from 20 different nationalities. Almirantearena is a technician in Automobile Electromechanics from the Virgen del Camino Vocational Training Centre.

The ‘Best Apprentice’ award is given every year to those technicians who have obtained the best record in the postgraduate specialisation course taught at the Volkswagen Academy that the Consortium has distributed around the world.

In the case of this young talent from Navarre, he is part of the 11th graduating class in mid-June. Faced with the title of “Best Apprentice”, the award-winner said he felt proud and considered it a prize for “personal and family effort”. He also stressed that he is working “at ease” at Volkswagen’s factory in Pamplona. And, above all, that this award is an opportunity for him to develop. “I would like to continue learning and perfecting myself in my speciality in order to be able to opt for a management position in the future”, he added.

Source: Diario de Navarra

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