Navarra stands out as the second region in Spain with the greatest penetration of electric vehicles


Specifically, the region achieved a share of 16.5%, according to data provided by the sector’s employers’ association FACONAUTO. This achievement is attributed, in part, to the efficient management of the MOVES III plan carried out in the region with 23 concession resolutions. This agility has allowed the Government of Navarre to request up to three credit extensions, so that it has gone from 5.5 million euros to the current 28.7 million euros of financial availability.

Likewise, Navarre was a pioneer in offering tax deductions to buyers of this type of plug-in vehicle, which has consolidated its position as a leader in the promotion of electric mobility at national level. For this reason, the Regional Minister for Industry, Ecological Transition and Digital Business, Mikel Irujo, stresses that there is still budget available to apply for aid for the purchase of this type of vehicle “until 31 July 2024”.

In this regard, according to FACONAUTO, from January to November 2023, a total of 1,145 electric vehicles were sold in Spain, most of them related to well-known brands such as Tesla, Kia or Ford.

On the other hand, the MOVES plan, aimed at promoting the purchase of electric vehicles and the installation of charging points, is an aid programme financed through Next Generation funds. These are, therefore, resources that are managed in a decentralised manner in such a way that the European Union transfers the money to the State which, in turn, passes it on to the autonomous communities so that the latter are the ones to process the aid dossiers.

In the case of the Autonomous Community of Navarre, the Government of Navarre’s Energy Transition Service is responsible, within a period of six months, for resolving both applications for aid and paying out or paying those that are approved.


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