Industry includes in its PERTE VEC II aid for the Navarre battery plants of Mobis and Beecycle


The Mobis Automotive Solutions factory, which belongs to the Korean consortium Hyundai and will supply its cells to the Volkswagen factory, will receive 9.5 million euros. Beecycle, which is planning a specialised battery recycling centre in the town of Caparroso, will receive a grant of 1.6 million euros.

The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism has approved a new batch of aid for battery production projects linked to the development of electric vehicles in Spain. The resolution is part of the Strategic Project for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTE) VEC II and reaches a total of seven proposals for a total amount of 87 million euros.

Mobis Automotive Solutions stands out among the beneficiary initiatives. This summer, its managers announced a preliminary agreement with Volkswagen, which they hope will supply the batteries needed for its smallest electric models. In this regard, the factory that the German manufacturer has in the vicinity of Pamplona contemplates the production of this type of models from 2026, for which an investment of 1,000 million euros is planned to adapt facilities and prepare for the production of this type of vehicle.

The Beecycle project is the result of a collaboration agreement between the Navarrese start-up BeePlanet Factory and the Korean company SungEel HiTech, with Medenasa, Truck&Wheel Group, the public company Sodena and Samsung C&T also taking part. Its aim is to have a factory by 2025, built on a 31,000 square metre plot, which will require an investment of 18.5 million euros and will employ between 60 and 70 people. A facility that, according to its promoters, will allow them to “reuse and recycle the lithium-ion batteries present in the Iberian Peninsula and ensure their mass availability in the coming years”.

Source: Diario de Navarra

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