Mercadona’s president Juan Roig’s accelerator selects Navarre Ysium Medical


Ysium Medical, a spin-off of the Navarre-based company Vidorreta Design, specialized in the design and manufacture of medical solutions with proprietary technology, is one of the 120 initiatives chosen this month to receive the support of Lanzadera, the business incubator of Mercadona’s CEO, Juan Roig. With this new boost, the firm expects to grow and position itself in the Spanish market, as well as to prepare an investment round to be launched before the end of 2022.

Lanzadera, the startup accelerator set up by Juan Roig, executive president of Mercadona, recently selected 120 new business projects as part of its September call. Among the new members is the Navarre-based Ysium Medical, a spin-off of the Navarre-based company Vidorreta Design, which designs and manufactures solutions for the medicine of the future through the development of proprietary technology. This initiative emerged from Vidorreta’s Medical Innovation division after the firm increased its activity in this area in the wake of the pandemic.

The accelerator assigns each startup one of the four phases that make up the program, depending on the degree of maturity of each firm. In this sense, Ysium Medical is in the second phase, Traction, aimed at established projects, with at least three months of metrics and with “innovative, scalable, investable” and validated business models.

“Throughout its development, the accelerator tries to radiate in the business initiatives the business model applied in Mercadona, in which the relationship with the customer and employees is fundamental. Participating firms are offered comprehensive training in this business model to inspire us and enable us to apply it to our specific case, with interdisciplinary support at all times,” explains Zuriñe Aguirre, co-founder and CEO of Ysium Medical. This recognition is the second milestone for the Navarre-based company after it entered Health ScaleUp, a program of the CEIN Health itinerary.

The projects

Currently, Ysium Medical is working on a project on a device for orthodontics that has received grants for R & D from the Government of Navarra. Likewise, the company presented two other projects related to 3D printing of material aimed at learning medical techniques and improving the quality of life of laryngectomized people for the new call for these grants, which is pending resolution.

Finally, the spin-off is currently setting up the multidisciplinary consortium that will enable it to launch Visium, a vision-related initiative, this fall. “All these projects show that the business model we have proposed has great potential as a scientific vehicle that, in turn, culminates in the manufacture of products and the dynamization of the economy,” Aguirre celebrates.

Looking to the future, Ysium Medical expects to grow and position itself in Spain with the support of Lanzadera. It is also preparing an investment round to be launched before the end of 2022.


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