Navarre-based Foodys revolutionises the food industry with its first plant-based bacon on sale at Carrefour


After industrialising the 3D bio-printing of plant-based foods in a revolutionary agreement for the agri-food industry last May, Foodys and Cocuus announced that consumers can now find the first reference produced with this technology. It is a 100% vegetable bacon which, according to its creators, will soon be followed by new references in the form of vegetable foie gras, tuna, shrimp or salmon.

“It is a product that has a lot of goodness and is made up of a lean part, a fat and its own rind. Moreover, its texture and taste are practically identical to those of its analogue and it has less than 10 % vegetable fat (pork fat is around 30 % and practically all of it is saturated”. This is how the CEO of Foodys, Gonzalo Agorreta, presented the plant-based bacon that they have started to sell in Carrefour, which is the first to offer its customers this type of product.

Agorreta recalled, on the other hand, that the technology used to achieve this innovative development “is unique in the world” and will allow them to produce a thousand tonnes of 100% vegental bacon a year. “Moreover, by having the entire value chain in-house, the price is very similar to the traditional alternative,” he added.

Foodys and Cocuus’ plant-based bacon was recently selected as a finalist in the VLabel awards in the innovation category, which recognises novelty, technical complexity, innovation in manufacturing and customer experience, among other factors. “We have a huge advantage. With our technology we do in five minutes what two pigs need in a lifetime. This is the way to solve the lack of protein in the world,” said Patxi Larumbe, founder and CEO of Cocuus.

Source: Revista Alimentaria

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