Navarra provides 12 million euros in aid for agri-food investments in line with its S4 Strategy


The call, presented by the Regional Minister for Industry and Ecological and Digital Business Transition, Mikel Irujo, is part of the new Common Agricultural Policy. In this sense, it pursues a triple purpose: to promote an intelligent, competitive, resilient and diversified agricultural sector; to support and reinforce environmental protection; and to strengthen the socio-economic fabric of rural areas.

Specifically, the region is earmarking 9.5 million euros for projects with competitiveness objectives, and 2.5 million euros for projects with environmental objectives. The management of this aid is led by the Department of Industry and Ecological and Digital Business Transition and the funding is shared between the European Union, through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), which contributes 25% of the costs, and the Government of Navarre the remaining 75%. The call for proposals will be published on 28 November in the Official Gazette of Navarre.

Aid for investment in agri-food industries has a long tradition in Navarre. From 2000 to 2020 these calls for applications have been focused within the Rural Development Plan (RDP) through co-financing between the European Union and the Government of Navarre. Specifically, from 2000 to 31 December 2022, nearly 2,000 companies have benefited from this aid with a total allocation of 379,646,489.72 euros.

These funds have contributed to the development of most of the sectors, with the fruit and vegetable sector receiving the largest amount with 124,399,342.50 euros. This category mainly includes companies dedicated to frozen vegetables. In second place is the wine sector with 53,054,639.75 euros. While cooperative farms have received a total of 56,710,663.41 euros.

Source: Diario de Navarra

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