Grupo AN, pioneer in certifying the calculation of the carbon footprint in maize


The calculation is obtained by analysing parameters such as the plot on which the crop is located, its management throughout its development and the energy consumption of the maize drying process. In this way, it has been possible to detect the variables on which action can be taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, an objective for the coming seasons. Specifically, in the last harvest, the calculation was carried out on around 8,500 tonnes of certified maize.

This is a voluntary initiative within the framework of the European Union directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources.

The Cereals Director of the Grupo AN, Juan Luis Celigueta, explains the objective of the certification achieved: “By calculating the carbon footprint, the Grupo AN is anticipating the regulations on sustainability and is adding value to the cereal production of its partners, enabling it to obtain a better commercial position”.

The company Bureau Veritas, for its part, is in charge of carrying out the annual audit from which the certificate accrediting the calculation of the carbon footprint is obtained.


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