Agotzaina from Navarra is one of the top 5 confectionery companies in the country after buying Inpanasa


With aggregate sales of 35 million euros, the Arbizu-based group will have one of the most extensive catalogues in terms of references and brands of sponge cakes, muffins, muffins, puff pastries, doughnuts, croissants and palmiers, among others. In this respect, it will be positioned behind the four big players in the sector: Vicky Foods, Bimbo, López Food Group and Dulca. Compared to these competitors, its main strength will be a completely verticalised activity and a closed production cycle, as it has its own farms for laying eggs as well as egg derivatives plants, which will allow it to avoid cost volatility and the shortage of essential raw materials for its business.

Agotzaina entered the confectionery market in 2020 when it acquired 63 % of the cupcake manufacturer El Quiteriano (“Heras Bareche”) based in Montón and with sales of around EUR 10 million. Just a year later, it took over the facilities and machinery of the company in liquidation Horno de Tuesta, in Álava. And now comes the acquisition of Inpanasa, which will provide a 6,000 square metre production centre in Girona, with the capacity to produce 9,000 tonnes of product per year and the status of brand supplier to distributors such as Auchan, Dia, Carrefour and E.Leclerc.

On the other hand, the operation has been completed with the entry into the capital of Industrias Cárnicas Royal Chef, from Picón (Ciudad Real) and specialised in the production of meat recipes such as tripe, snout, ear, cheeks, knuckle, wings or ribs, among others. In the last year, this firm has increased its production volume by 23 % to over 1,200 tonnes per year of processing capacity and sales of over 4.3 million euros.

In this respect, sources in the sector quoted by Alimarket point out that, with this latest operation, Agotzaina is seeking to create synergies with its producer and marketer of pre-cooked tortillas, Tortillas a Tu Gusto. However, apart from all these projects, the Navarrese firm is currently operating in the egg, chicken, fruit and dairy markets. And, with a view to the close of this financial year, its managers are confident of achieving revenues of up to 500 million euros.

Source: Alimarket

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