AccionaPlug to invest 87 million in a hydrogen plant in Navarra


The project will be declared of foral interest and will create “more than 500 jobs” directly and indirectly during the construction of the facilities. AccionaPlug estimates that the plant will produce some 3,880 tonnes of green hydrogen per year and will be “one of the largest” of its kind in Europe.

The Government of Navarra announced that it will declare AccionaPlug’s project to build a green hydrogen production plant in Sangüesa to be of foral interest. The investment will amount to 87 million euros.

Valle H2V Navarra plans to build a 25 MW electrolyser on land adjacent to the Sangüesa biomass plant, powered by hybrid renewable energy produced by a photovoltaic plant (25MW) and a wind farm (24MW). Both facilities will also be newly built and are currently in the development phase. The project will also lead to the creation of “more than 500 jobs”, direct and indirect, during the construction phase of the factory.

The company estimates that the plant will produce around 3 880 tonnes of green hydrogen per year, of which around 90 % is expected to be used by the main energy-intensive industries in the area, such as the paper, glass, iron and steel, food and automotive industries. At the same time, it expects to provide Plug’s customers in the field of materials handling, stationary power and road mobility applications, contributing to their decarbonisation and the reduction of their CO2 emissions.

The remaining 10% would be used in the transport sector through the installation of a hydrogen plant at the same location. The hydrogen plant would also be expandable, depending on the evolution of demand, to double the power (50MW) of electrolysis.

One of the largest plants in Europe

This project brings together all the key elements of the green hydrogen value chain, from renewable energy generation and production infrastructure to storage and distribution of green hydrogen. “At the time of commissioning, it will be one of the largest green hydrogen plants in Europe,” AccionaPlug said.

Valle H2V Navarra plans to start generating green hydrogen by the end of 2024, thus enabling the Government of Navarra to comply with the Navarra Green Hydrogen Agenda. A roadmap for the development of an ecosystem that foresees the installation of between 10 and 30 MW of production of this energy vector by 2024 and 150 MW by 2030 in the region.




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