Acciona plans a “pioneering” wind turbine blade recycling centre for Lumbier


Construction of the Waste2Fiber plant, in which Acciona Energía and RenerCycle are also participating, will begin in the first half of next year, it will be operational in 2025 and will employ around a hundred people. It will also be the first of its kind in Spain to use a totally innovative and proprietary technology for the thermal treatment to be applied in the recovery of composite materials that form part of wind turbine blades.

The project in question complements Acciona’s experience in the use of composite materials, Acciona Energy’s access to disused blades with the activities that RenerCycle can develop in the dismantling of wind turbines that have completed their life cycle.

From there, the Lumbier plant has received 5.3 million euros from the Programme of Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTE) and has the explicit backing of the regional authorities, starting with the Government of Navarre.

In this way, a factory with a processing capacity of 6,000 tonnes of material per year is planned, which will also cover all the stages of the production process. In Lumbier, therefore, work will range from the dismantling and fragmentation of the blades to the output and quality control of end products destined for other uses. In this regard, its promoters emphasise that, thanks to the work that will be carried out, a reduction in the carbon footprint of between 66 and 95 % will be achieved for glass and carbon fibres, respectively.

Source: Diario de Noticias

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